Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Warm 90º Welcome to Haiti

A fearless Joanne securing the bags
And alas we have arrived! Our team successfully managed to lug our 19 50lb duffle bags from Baltimore to Port-au-Prince. Don't be fooled, however, as our trip from the Port-au-Prince airport to Hospital Adventist was far from smooth. After dragging our bags through the dusty streets, we were welcomed by two drivers, one with a 4 seater pick up truck, the other with a 5 seater SUV. As our team of 15 looked at our bags, at each other, and again at the bags, the one word that crossed everyone's mind was "clown-car." Meanwhile, our Haitian drivers assured us not to worry, and proceeded to stack duffle on top of duffle until a mountain appeared before our eyes. Once we all miraculously managed to squeeze into the cars, we embarked on trip of life or death. Picture the Wild West--no police to enforce the law, no stop signs speed bumps or traffic lights to control traffic, and no rules (so appreciate the next time a cop pulls you over for going 40 in a 35). With each pothole our car went over, we would all start laughing hysterically, guessing who's bag fell off that time. When we finally arrived at Hospital Adventist, we unpacked our supplies and put our clothes and food in the guest house. We are currently listening to Spanish Christmas music (provided by our Dominican super-stars, Lucia & Maria), eating our microwavable TV dinners discussing the days to come.
Keep tuning in for updates once the real action starts to unfold!

Lee loading the bags onto truck
Lucilla and Maria from the Dominican Republic
Home for the next week!
From left: Job, Alex, Ahmed, Gina, Christina, Lee,
Merrill & John

1 comment:

  1. Great photos and so happy to see you are there! Have a great mission Team Sinai!
